Privacy Policy

The privacy policy as per the Information Technology Act, 2000. Information Technology Intermediary Guidelines Rule 2011. IT Reasonable Security Practice and Sensitive Personal Data Rules 2011.

The privacy policy describes our policy related to the collection, disclosure, and transfer of readers’ information by Our team manages under these circumstances platform. This policy form is a part of the term of use, it contains parcel instructions. It belongs to the person who visits, views, browses, or uses the services i.e. user. The purpose of the policy is whenever you or your shall mean user and the term we/our/us means site team.

If we update or expand our services policy may change so you have to refer from time to time. By using the site you consent to collection, use of information, and storage you provide for services that offer.

Information collected from user – 

When user visit at the platform by the way login, create account, registration, leave comment, interaction via third party and communicate with the us. my collect information like name, geographic location, email address, social media account, photo, phone number, and others. Also include contacts and examination preference.

We use this information to validate users when using website the main objective of collection of information to provide better services. Collection of information to provide new products from time to time and improve quality.

At the time of reporting at, you agree and confirm your consent to providing your information and its lawful, essential as well as presumable. And user have full right to discountinue services at any time.

Information collected automatically – 

At the time reader use website also contain third party advertiser may use techniques that collection information about you automatically.

Log files – Whenever user visit at the serves automatically receive log information from user’s browser and device that used to access the platform (IP address, device ID), network operator details and type. Also CPU speed, operating system, connection speed, and others.

Mobile Device – When visitor register their mobile to access the app may also collect device information.

Cookies – Dear friends, cookies are data file place on your device, use to keep track of info like interaction with social media portals. The content you click on available on platform in order to improve your experience of the website by personalizing it to your preference and usage.

Web Beacons – They are transparent graphic images used in email communication to user to understand visitors behavior to improve quality of the website.

Public Forum – Any information disclosed by the you in the comment section become published at shall not liable for the security of same or any information that disclose by you. Visitors need to careful when disclose any information.

Sharing or Disclouser of Information collected.

By following strict policy will not disclosed or exploit information to anyone without user permission.

It will mandate under law or contract to make certain limited disclosures under few circumstances. may share info including your personally identified info without obtaining a separate consent from you. if such details is requested or need by law or government agency under legal necessity.

Limited Disclosures to service provider – may disclose details to our service provider for the betterment of our services but not limited to hosting the platform, payment processing, analyzing data, providing customer service for the purpose of making various features of

Accessing and updating personal information. When ever you use site we make good effort faith to provide you, with access to your personal info and further ensure that any sensitive data found inaccurate shall be correct as required, it retained by law. Security of Information collected – We also take your personal information secure against unlawful processing. We do not share any personal information to anyone. We also take appropriate measure to keep your data safe.

Update and changes – We reserve all rights to change the term of this policy or term of use. Any changes we make will effective immediately on notice which may give by posting the new policy on the website. You use site after such notice will be deemed acceptance of such changes.

Grievance Redressal Mechanism – For any complaint or concerns related to use, processing, disclose of info provided by the user you can contact at [email protected].