Calabria Italy Offer Visa Apply Online 2024 Official Website:->Relocation Program Form

Calabria Italy Offer Visa Apply Online 2024 Official Website. As we know Calabria offers for approx 26000 euros. So check the Calabria Italy Relocation Process, application form. How to apply online for Italy Citizenship. Now everyone searching What is Calabria Relocation Program? If anyone desires to relocate from your country to Calabria Italy read the entire information carefully.

Calabria Italy Offer Visa Apply Online

People curious to know about Calabria Italy Vida Online. If anyone wishes to migrate to Italy the Government will give you 26000 Euro. Calabria Italy Visa Apply Online – As we know the population of Italy is very less so the Government introduced this scheme to enhance residency and allow you to relocate from your place. So this is a golden opportunity to move to Calabria within 3 months. Deat aspirants get the latest updates related to the Calabria Visa Apply Online.

Read to get info about the Calabria Relocation registration process, documents required, eligibility criteria, and others.

What is the Calabria Relocation Program?

As we know Calabria an area located in Southern Italy and a very beautiful place to live. It famous for Picturesque, Local Cusine, and Coastline. As per the information, this area suffers from a rapid decrease in the population of youth. They leave the same in search of better work and income sources. So many people leave this space to earn money.

Calabria Italy Visa Offer Apply Online
Calabria Italy Visa Offer Apply Online
Check Calabria Italy Visa Offer Apply online
Country Italy
Benefit Relocate in 90 days
Financial 26000 euros
Official website
Get online Relocate Program

Recently the Italian Government made an offer to the people to get citizenship after Calabria Italy Citizenship apply online. If anyone wants to get an Italy visa and faces a long waiting period for the appointment. Then you may consider the Calabria Relocation Program.

Calabria Relocation Program

इटली सरकार ने एक बहुत ही बेहतर स्कीम शुरू की है. अगर आप भी भारत से बहार जाकर किसी और देश में रहने का सोच रहे हैं. तो इटली के एक गावँ में आपको बसने का मौका मिल रहा है. और यहाँ पर रहने के लिए इटली की सरकार आपको अलग से 26 हजार यूरो भी देगी. और इस गावँ का नाम है कैलाब्रिया. सरकार ने यहाँ पर रहने और काम शुरू करने के लिए 1 बेहतर ऑफर शुरू किया है. कैलाब्रिया इटली वीसा ऑफर अप्लाई ऑनलाइन

इस ऑफर को शुरू करने का मुख्य उद्देश्य यहाँ की आबादी को बढ़ाना है. इस स्कीम को एक्टिव रेजीडेंसी इनकम का नाम दिया है. और इसके लिए एप्लीकेशन फॉर्म शुरू हो चुके हैं. जिससे यहाँ की आबादी में बढ़ावा हो और इस क्षेत्र को पुनर उदय हो. आवेदन होने के 90 दिन के अन्दर आपको इस गावँ में शिफ्ट होना होगा. immigrazione

Who is eligible for a Calabria Italy Visa Apply?

This program open to all interested candidates who want to relocate to Calabria Village.

  • Age limit – The age of the applicant must be above 40 years.
  • ID Proof – You are a holder of a valid passport with a Photo ID Card.
  • Insurance – Having Health Insurance.
  • Financial Resources – Have sufficient resources to support yourself as well as your family.

Italy Calabria Visa Application Form

First of all check eligibility criteria, the same program open for EU and Non-EU residents.

Wants to reside in Calabria for three years.

No need to wait for the response from the relevant department.

Submit documents like income proof, health insurance certificate as well as no criminal documents.

Calabria Visa Apply Online

First Step – On Arrival in Italy – collect important documents to get citizenship with the registration form, apostilles, and translation. Then you need to enter Italy as a tourist. Then you have to apply for Italian Citizenship. Check offers available to get citizenship and accept it.
Second Step – Have to obtain codice Fiscle and Dichiarazione Di Presenza – If you come to Italy from any of the European countries then your passport must be stamped on your arrival in Italy. Submit local immigration office within 8 days. Then also get the Italian Tax code.
Third Step – Choose for the formal establishment residency in Italy related to dual citizenship. Also, ensuring accommodation it very essential for the residency requirement.
Fourth Step – Police Verification – People need to verify their residency in Italy from local Police officers within 45 days.
Fifth Step – Application Form – When choosing the town of Italy for your residence go to the citizenship office and apply for it. Submit all documents along with the form.
Sixth Step – People can apply for a residency permit based on Dual Citizenship your stay in the country for up to 3 months. It is an important document in the citizenship process.
Seventh Step – If your citizenship passes then you have to apply for the Italian Passport from Italy. You need to register with the AIRE Registry and apply for the local Italian consulate board to get citizenship.

Calabria Visa Apply Online from India

Calabria Visa Requirement for Hold Application

  • Tax obligation – no automatic entail for TO for citizens of Italy. The taxes required only for the residents of Italy who reside in Italy for more than 183 days in a year
  • Must register with Italian Residenti All’Estero
  • Military Service.
  • AIRE Registration for passport, birth certificate, registration of the minor.
  • Residency Registration cittadinanza

How to check the status of an Indian Citizenship Visa?

  • You have to visit the official page
  • Click on the page and need to visit the citizenship section.
  • Open the application link and read the guidelines.
  • Register yourself with details and upload the required documents.
  • Enter application code K10 to K10c into the website.
Official Page Click here
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